The average person used between 80 and 100 gallons of water a day. Total bottled water sales in 2011 his 9.1 billion gallons which equates to 29.2 gallons of bottled water per person according to the sales figures from Beverage Marketing Corp. Bottleless water cooler systems are superior to systems that use bottles because they can reduce the introduction of bacteria into the water. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake causes fat deposits to increase whereas upping the intake of water can reduce fat deposits. In many cases, individual bottles of water are simply local tap water at a mark up of up to 1,000 times the actual cost. These are all reasons that bottleless water coolers are becoming more and more popular throughout the world.
To learn more about filtered water coolers and bottleless water dispensers, it might be wise to start researching exactly what it is that bottleless water coolers can bring to the table. Try searching the internet for point of use water coolers and bottleless water coolers to get the specifics of how they work, what they do, and how they can actually save you money. The resources out there should be able to give you a clear picture of what the benefits are as well.