A quarter of paper documents in the enterprise get lost and will never be found according to the Ganther Group and Datapro. Using tools like a business card reader or a digital filing system will reduce the amount of paper clutter your company has to deal with. Find the best business card scanner based on the particular requirements that you have for your devices.
Reports estimate that knowledge workers spend between 15 and 30 percent of their time at work trying to find information. Portable scanners such as laptop scanners will reduce the amount of time your team members waste trying to find things that they cannot locate on paper. With the right laptop scanner you will also be able to scan things while traveling. One of the best uses for files scanned with a laptop scanner is keeping these files on the cloud.
Gartner estimates that the market for cloud computing will be worth about $150 billion by 2013. Files that exist in the cloud are much safer than physical files since they cannot be harmed by flood, fire, or theft. Another advantage of using a laptop scanner to put files on the cloud is that fewer workers have to be on site to access information, which can reduce overhead costs for businesses. Make sure your company is getting the most out of its data storage by converting your traditional files to electronic storage systems where they can be accessed and altered much more effectively by your staff.
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