According to budget estimates from the NYC Department of Health, the city will take in $48 million in health code violation fines from restaurants in 2012. As a consumer, information like this can be incredibly unsettling. Enrolling in food safety certification courses could mean the difference between your business doors being opened or closed.
While most of your employees may feel they know a ton about how to handle food safely, this may not necessarily be the case. For instance, did you know that When it comes to perishable foods, “the danger zone” refers to temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, the range in which harmful bacteria multiply the fastest? or that When perishable food is refrigerated, bacterial growth slows down dramatically, but it does not stop?
A food safety certification course will not only give you this type of information, but also information on how to execute proper personal hygiene, restaurant food safety, the types of bacteria and food borne illnesses that can result as poorly handling food, and how to protect yourself and your customers from these illnesses. Iso certification requirements require that employees be made aware of information like this.
Haccp certification training and food safety certification courses are available online, making getting your food handling certificate convenient and easy to do. Most if not all restaurant inspections are unannounced. The grading system used by health inspectors can vary between municipalities, but any unsatisfactory grade or rating can negatively impact your restaurant’s bottom line. ISO training is a sure fire way to ensure that your business will pass inspection.
In order to keep the doors to your business open and avoid hefty fines, enroll your business into a food safety certification course or HACCP training and get your food protection certificate. Courses are at your convenience, so do not get caught not in compliance to health code standards, for the sake of your business, and those you serve.
Check out this site for more.