According to Reduce.org, every year, the average office employee will use 10,000 sheets of paper. Unfortunately, according to the Datapro and Gartner Group, a quarter of paper documents in enterprise are misplaced and and will never be located, which could be a waste of money and harm the environment. In order to prevent those problems from arising, businesses might want to install and utilize laptop scanners. By using a laptop scanner, companies can develop an organized and efficient digital filing system that allows them to keep track of important documents and save paper. So great laptop scanners can prove to be a valuable resource for businesses who want to operate as efficiently as possible.
The typical enterprise that consists of 1,000 knowledge workers will waste between $6 and $12 million every year “searching for nonexistent information, failing to find existing information, or recreating information that can’t be found,” says a study conducted by the International Data Corporation. In order to avoid losing money on lost information, businesses might want to use laptop scanners that allow them to digitize important documents. Though there might be an initial investment needed to purchase and install portable scanners, making that investment can save a lot of money in the long run.
Many businesses will want to use laptop scanners in order to take advantage of the opportunities that cloud technology provides. Gartner estimates suggest that, by 2013, the cloud computing market will be worth a staggering $150 billion. The greatest reason for that might be the fact that cloud applications allow greater business agility, which is the primary reason that they are adopted, according to a survey of 500 IT decision makers by SandHill. Effective laptop scanners will allow businesses to easily use cloud applications to store and allow for easy access to all of their important documents.
In the competitive business environment of today, businesses need to utilize every advantage available to them in order to succeed. In that regard, many will want to use laptop scanners and other items like business card readers in order to reduce the amount of paper that they have to use, and could possibly lose. Using laptop scanners and storing documents on computers and hard drives will not only help prevent information from being lost, but can also help them cut down on the amount of money they spend on paper, which could be a major key to success. More like this blog.