How to Create a Living Will and Trust and How to Determine Who Gets What Possessions – Community Legal Services

Everything in one place. This step is crucial in our tutorial on how to create a trust and living will.

There are various laws in each state that govern the structure of living wills and trusts. The most popular ways to set up living trusts are:

Get an attorney. A living trust attorney, or other legal professional, can assist you in writing the legal document. Your family members can also contact attorneys to help. It can be slow as well as costly. The process can be done by yourself.

Do it yourself (DIY) through making forms, and then creating the living trust documents. These forms and templates can be found online. When you DIY, you don’t have to involve lawyers when you complete the task. It’s fast and cost-effective.

What ever method you select it will be easier because you’ve already got all of the details in previous steps to make the living will and trust.

Make sure you register your will

It’s now time to sign it. However, to make it legally valid, you must sign it in your own handwriting. In many states, you have to make the will official in before two or more witnesses. They are required to sign the document. In addition, your witnesses must not be beneficiaries of your will, and they must be at least 18 years older.

The ideal witnesses are those who are more likely to remain around after you’ve gone. Witnesses can be asked to provide evidence in instances where your personal will is challenged at court.

You can transfer assets to yourself as Trustee

Make sure the living will works through the transfer of ownership to the trust. In the case of land you must alter the title deed to show that the land is now owned by the trust.

Store Your Will in a secure Place

This step is the final in our guide to making living and trust. Like any other crucial document, make sure you keep the will in the form of a
