Cranes have been used to lift and move heavy items since antiquity. The Ancient Greeks used men or donkeys to power cranes. Modern cranes use internal combustion engines or electric motors and hydraulic systems, and because of this added power, they are much stronger than more primitive types of cranes.
Depending on the type of material that your project is moving, there are several types of lifting slings that could be used. Web slings, wire rope swings, and chain slings are among several different types of existing lifting slings that you can choose from depending on the project.
Web slings, which are the most popular and useful type of sling, are lightweight and flexible, and have wide bearing surfaces which do a good job of protecting the load. Synthetic web lifting slings are generally constructed of nylon or polyester material and offer several features which promote their popularity. They are often selected when expensive, highly polished, fragile or delicate material handling is necessary, since the softness of the web will not mar, deface or scratch loads.
Wire rope slings are often used because of its strength, durability, abrasion resistance and ability to conform to the shape of the loads on which it is used. In addition, wire rope slings are able to lift hot materials.
Chain lifting slings are mostly used to lift very heavy bulky loads on a regular basis, most overhead cranes lift their loads with chain slings when used intensively. Chains will not wear as easy as fabric alternatives and are seen by some as a safer alternative.
When deciding which lifting sling to use, evaluate the materials you need to transfer first. Choosing the correct lifting gear means keeping your transported materials, as well as your machine operators safe, so it is an important thing to get right. Being trained in crane safety can help to ensure you make the right decision for both transporting your materials, and keeping your employees safe.