Author: Becky

  • Secure Texting and SMS Services

    Too many people assume that the messages and photos that are stored on their mobile devices are private, and completely secure as long as they are in their hands. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the same way that computers can be hacked and violated by people with unsavory agendas, the same can…

  • Removing Tax Lien

    Although taxes have existed since the beginning of human civilization more than six thousand years ago, their form has seen dramatic changes. Whereas the earliest tax collectors collected a portion of a farmer’s harvest and gave it to his lord, tax collectors in the United States today simply collect a portion of a citizen’s annual…

  • Preparation Can Go a Long, Long Way

    Taking the time to understand and prepare for a situation that involves workers compensation is going to be the best advice you can get. If you are involved with a workers comp Arizona claim that has potential of being disputed, now is a good time to investigate acquiring the services of a workers compensation lawyer.…

  • You Can Do Microdermabrasion at Home

    It is possible to do your own microdermabrasions at home; and obtain the same healthy glow that you would receive in the dermatologist’s office. Microdermabrasion is the process of using a hand held machine to slough off dead skin cells using tiny grains in the machine that rotate, allowing gentle exfoliation that leaves the skin…